
Collaborating Partners


Government of Namibia

In line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, the Government of the Republic of Namibia is pursuing the long-term goal of climate neutrality. With the updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Namibia aims to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, and to further become a global net exporter and hub to produce Green Hydrogen and its derivatives.

In Namibia’s view, only hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources – namely, Green Hydrogen – is sustainable in the long term. For this reason, the goal of the Namibian Government is to develop Green Hydrogen production capacities, promote a rapid market ramp-up and establish the corresponding value chains –both nationally and internationally. This will support local markets and local decarbonisation efforts, while generating employment for the Namibian people. As such, developing a Green Hydrogen industry will result in long-term pathways for economic recovery.

Given its world class renewable energy potential in the form of abundant wind and sun resources, Namibia is in an optimal location to be a globally competitive producer of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives. In the Harambee Prosperity Plan II, the Namibian Government articulated it’s plans to explore the feasibility of incubating a carbon neutral synthetic fuels industry to diversify and recover the country’s economy.

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German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing funding for the identification of suitable sites for green hydrogen production in Africa within the framework of the H2 Atlas Africa (Atlas of Green Hydrogen Generation Potentials in Africa). Preliminary calculations show that Namibia offers ideal conditions for the generation of wind and solar energy and thus for the production of green hydrogen.

The energy transition – which represents the efforts undertaken and results achieved on renewable energy expansion and energy efficiency – is our basis for a clean, secure and affordable energy supply, which is essential for all our lives. By adopting the 2030 Climate Action Plan, the Federal Government of Germany has paved the way for meeting its climate targets for 2030.

Its long term goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in line with the targets agreed under the Paris Agreement, which seeks to keep global warming well below 2 degrees and if possible below 1.5 degrees. In addition, Germany has committed itself, together with the other European Member States, to achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality by 2050. Apart from phasing out coal-fired power, for which Germany has already taken the relevant decisions, this means preventing emissions which are particularly hard to reduce such as process related GHG emissions from the industrial sector.

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Implementing Partner



Souther African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL)



SASSCAL, is a joint initiative of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Germany. The organization was established in response to then challenges of global change to conduct research in adaptation to climate change, sustainable land management; provide products, services and information for decision-making; and contribute to the creation of a knowledge-based society through academic and non-academic capacity development programmes.

The overall objective of SASSCAL is to improve the livelihoods of people and to enhance adaptive land use and sustainable economic development in Southern Africa under global change conditions with particular focus on five thematic areas of Climate change, Food security, Water Security, Biodiversity conservation and S­­­ustainable forests and Woodlands. SASSCAL focuses on research, capacity development and the provision of appropriate products and services aimed at mitigating and/or dealing with some of the likely impacts of Climate Change.

The Green Hydrogen programmes is aligned to SASSCAL future direction and in particular the SASSCAL 2.0 Strategy in which the Research Call, SASSCAL emphasizes the importance of transdisciplinary and regionality of SASSCAL’s projects. Under the SADC Grand Challenges, SASSCAL has emphasized the need to give a special focus on projects that cut across different sectors such as Water, food, and energy. The Green Hydrogen Programmes is a practical example that complements this important research. SASSCAL is fortunate to contribute to this new, emission free and innovative energy future.

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Recent Articles

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